Educational Trip
Location 1:KOCL Research Farm, Nuvem Goa On 24th March, 2023 our EVS professors took our class to a field trip to observe and study the ecosystem of the sites. We were supposed to visit a polluted site and an Agroecosystem. My classmates and I were accompanied by two professors on our field trip. Our first location was KOCL farm in Nuvem. This farm was an Agroecosystem with various flowering and medicinal plants along with various farm animals. We saw the plants that we see on a daily basis but were ignorant to their uses and benefits. We definitely gained a lot of knowledge on how to treat a soar throat or a cold. Location 2: Sonsodo, Margao Goa. The second location was Sonsodo in Margao where a lot of unsegregated garbage was dumped years ago. This collected garbage is the fruit of negligence. It stinks to high heaven and that is why garbage segregation should be strictly practiced. Location 3: Raia, Salcete, Goa. The last and final destination of the day was Raia, G...